Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Article Update

Fellow INCas, I have posted some new articles on the web site http://www.wingchuninc.com.au/ seeing as I am not working or training much since my Wrist operation I thought I would populate the new site with some new articles, they are important for your training so check them out, I will also be updating the Blog now that i can type again.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The future started last Week!!!

This morning I received our Wing Chun Inc. Club T-Shirts, they look Pukka, at last things are falling into place, we have a name, we have a Web Site, we have the beggining of a Uniform and we have a BLOG.

The main function of this BLOG is so that any important information regarding our training can be sent out and received in the shortest possible time, especially as a few of the Guys only check there E-mails about every full moon, it also allows communication from far flung places, and there is always the Web Site


Let's Go!

Are You Looking For Me?

I know I told people to watch this space for NEWS months ago but it really has taken this long to get things going, if you want to know what is going on go here http://www.wingchuninc.com.au and all will be revealed, if on the other hand you are from the "Old Regime" and are just checking up on what the "Real People" are doing, get a life.