Friday, July 8, 2011

YouTube Channel

I am starting a YouTube Channel,  this is not meant to be a Wing Chun Instructional Channel, I am simply using the available Technology to keep in contact with all of the INCa's, often when there are some sticking points in training it is only when I get Home that I realise a better way to explain things or I remember something that I was told or shown at a similar point in my own training that made it a bit easier for me to go forward, and of course I completely forget before the next training session, so now I can quickly record something and stick it on YouTube. It is also a way for me to keep in touch with Guys that I used to train with that live in different parts of Sydney or even N.S.W. We still talk and ask questions on the Phone but words always fail when it comes to Wing Chun, Pictures make it so much clearer. Because what I post will be in response to something that we were either working on or talking about the segments may not hold up very well if you do not know what we are addressing, so turn up to training.  Or if you are awaiting Surgery to get the couch of your Arse and cannot make training give me a call or an E-mail.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Peripheral Vision

I was talking with someone the other Day and the old Chestnut of Peripheral Vision came up, I do not understand the thinking with many Wing Chun People that they say you defend yourself using Peripheral Vision, this is madness and will certainly fail if you are in Deep Poo. Peripheral Vision is very good and identifying even tiny movement in a wide Field of view, but once the movement is noticed you need to change back to focused Vision to see what was moving, this is what Eagles, Hawks and Army Snipers do, and many years ago when I was taught to shoot Game Birds this is what I was instructed to do, Peripheral Vision spots the movement and then Focused Vision Marks the Target. In Wing Chun I have heard even quite Senior Instructors say "Keep your Eyes on the Chest and pick up the attack with your Peripheral Vision", in a nice friendly session of 4 Corner Defence you may get away with this, but in a Street Encounter when someone pulls a Knife from out of their Jacket you will be going home in a Bag.