Thursday, March 31, 2011

End Game

In an earliert post I asked "What is the End that your Means is leading to?", or to put it another way 

What are you training for? What situation, what event?

You need to think deeply about this, because if you cannot be specific then you are not training for anything in particular, and if your training is so unfocused how do you know if you are on the right track? How will you know what to use when the Wolf jumps out of the Shadows?
Right now use you imagination to create the most likely scenario where you will use your training, visualise the sequence of events and note exactly where your training becomes operational, and of the greatest importance note when and how it finishes.

All conflicts have a beginning or "Opening", a "Middle" and a finish or "End Game", the opening is usually some form of Verbal exchange { although Silent Ambushes do occur they are so rare it is not worth wasting training time on them because if they are done correctly you get no chance to do anything!} , does your training do any more than pay Lip Service to this phase, does it teach you how to navigate this? Do you have any deescalation techniques? Does it show you how to spot the transition to Violence? Does it advocate Preemptive Strikes?

 Most Martial Arts by Default train from after the Antagonist has attacked, training is the kind that goes "He does that so you do this", a lot of this is a type of Social conditioning that wants people to act more responsibly and not just take out anyone that you have an issue with, is it really what we would want to do if given free choice? The Laws of Physics in our Universe make it very clear that "Action is faster than Reaction" but still we train to react. Does your training allow for this?

When you take Piano lessons you are taught how to play the Piano, and as I am sure you know playing Piano is not giving a Concert, to give a concert you need an understanding of Music, sometimes this is innate, sometimes it is gained through research, it is very difficult too teach understanding, it needs to grow.  Millions of people play Piano, very few spend long enough trying to understand Music to give Concerts.

When you take Wing Chun lessons you are learning how to play Wing Chun, playing Wing Chun is not Fighting.

It is outside the Scope of any Martial Arts School to teach people how to fight, they will all disagree but sadly it is a fact, all you will learn are the Tools that you could use in a fight, if you ever get in one and ever learn how to use the Tools. The onus is on you to decide what Tools you will need and to get familiar with how to wield them, no one needs 15 Punches and 21 defences! Find the ones you trust, that you can perform well and make them your own.

If you survive the initial attack then the "He does this and you do that" training can actually work if you trust it, this is the Middle Game, it is rare that more than 2 blows are needed to get to the "End Game", but if you do not have an "End Game" you could be there all day and eventually one of you will get beaten to Death.

Do you train how to finish the Conflict? How to close down your opponent? Do you have an exit strategy?  These things cannot be taught, you can be advised but at the end it comes down to what you think, and your thinking can be changed by what you research. Read up, ask questions.

This post may at first appear to be negative toward M.A. School training, it is not, without the normal School type training you will have absolutely no skills to help you out of trouble, but you need to get your Instructor to address the problems that are distinct to yourself, and not just stay in the Generic Zone.

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