Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Balance as a Game.

In a recent FaceBook post on the INCa's Thought Exchange I was talking about not pressing up through your Leg when standing, as this leads to a loss of Balance, Scotty mentioned that he could not feel if he was or was not doing this, here are a few things to play with to help you connect with feeling your Balance.

Stand in a even and relaxed way, Knees slightly bent, Ankles at Shoulder width and Feet parallel, make sure that your Knees are pointing in the same direction as your Feet and Arms hanging at your sides.

Very slowly lean forwards until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

Very slowly lean backwards until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

Very slowly lean to the right until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

Very slowly lean to the left until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

By doing this you have established what it feels like for your Body to be out of Balance. It may be hard to identify when you are in Balance because there is nothing happening that feels wrong, but once you understand what it feels like to be out of Balance if you do not feel this way the chances are that you are in Balance, and by repeating the above exercises a few times you will soon identify what it feels like to "not be out of Balance" just by comparison of the two sets of feelings.  Not being "out of Balance" is not always the same as being in Balance, you may be inadvertently using strength to avoid falling.

Leaning the whole body is a just an entry point to feeling awareness about Balance. Try starting in the same position as earlier and slowly raising your Right Arm sideways until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

Now raise your right Arm in front of you until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

Now raise your right Arm behind you until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

Do the same thing with the Left Arm, even do the same thing with both Arms together.

Repeat the exercise with your Legs.

Limbs are still really major disturbances, so how can we refine this idea?

Start as usual and now lean your Head to the left, then right, then front and then rear until you can clearly feel that your Balance has been compromised, and then return to where you started from.

After playing with these idea's we should be quite sensitive to our bodies Balance, now push up through the Legs and see what happens, do you stay in Balance?

If you are still not sure then try these balance corrections, go through the Arm raising exercises and when you notice your Balance has been disturbed raise the opposite Arm in the same way until your Balance has been regained, observe what feelings flow through your body as you do this and then once again push up through your Legs and observe if you are compensating.

If the Arm raising exercises are too subtle then do them on one Leg.

The very act of standing on one Leg will introduce you to a ton of input on Balance, if you wobble at all then you are out of Balance, and often the only way to not fall is to stick a Leg out in one direction and an Arm in the opposite direction.

The emphasis with these exercises is to "PLAY", do not treat it seriously. make up your own tests, stand on your Head, it is even possible to feel your Balance when you are laying on the floor, and feel it get compromised as you roll over.

Once the silliness of all this subsides and you start thinking Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? {W.T.F.} Try to identify exactly what it is that happens to, and within your Body as your Balance is compromised and equally important as it is brought back to Balance, go through all the silliness again with this thought.

If this still does not help you then the chances are that you are just F???ed.

I'm kidding.

Once we can feel our Balance we should also have a real sense of Gravity, and how it makes us want to push back, this is why we push up when we stand still, I will go into this later.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Prelude to Week 5's Lesson.



Chi Sau is first and foremost a drill, it is not actually fighting, it is “a means to an end and not an end in itself” as Sifu Jim would often tell me early in my training when I turned it to some kind of Arm Wrestling . As a drill it is difficult to say what exactly it is it teaches us as it teaches so much, many aspects of Wing Chun training can be explored and refined in the Chi Sau drill, the obvious exception being Striking, Chi Sau does not incorporate hitting at all, Chi Sau is used to open up the partner so that if we wish we can strike, but once we strike we have for all intents and purposes stepped out of Chi Sau.
  1. Softness and Stance Stability; in Chi Sau rolling we accept our partners force into our own structure through our Arms, if there is tension or misalignment anywhere along the network from Wrist to Shoulder the incoming Force will accumulate there, either collapsing the structure or moving the Body, to be able to absorb the incoming Force through the Arms and into the Body we need to develop softness in the Joints and maintain the Shoulder ⇒ Wrist alignment,  once the incoming Force has entered the Body if the Spine is not vertical the Force will accumulate in the Arch of the Back with the same result, it will bend you or move you,  if the Spine is vertical the Force will be transmitted into the Legs and then to the Floor, if the Hip Joint is not soft the same thing will happen again, to absorb Force we first have to accept it and not try to repel it, often this is a personal issue with the Ego and not really a Wing Chun Problem, our Arms fulfil the role of a Crash Barrier in the way that they absorb and redirect force and not a Bull Bar that crashes through or bounces force away. Softness is a difficult concept to put into writing, many people mistakenly confuse softness for lack of firmness and have no structure to their Arms, which is completely incorrect, it is an absence of imposed tension, strength or extra effort, when we walk we do not add extra strength to our Knees and yet we do not worry that they will collapse beneath us, our Knee joint is relaxed and soft and we keep it extended with just our intention and an alignment that does not put them under excess stress, it is the same for our Arms in Chi Sau, we keep our Elbows soft and relaxed and if we have the correct alignment then no amount of force will collapse them. It is important that at the early stages of Chi Sau, the first 5 years that we do the drill as much as possible in a stationary position, in this way we will be able to work on our stability, our softness and learn how to absorb and redirect force.
  2. The Ball Concept; central to W.C’s defence is the thought that we have a large rotating Ball in front of us, this ball redirects incoming Force and rolls over obstructions, if this is not understood then moving from Taan Sau to Bong Sau and Bong Sau to Taan Sau will always be a mystery, once we have established Taan Sau in the correct position {Ultimate Angle} and we simply rotate it through the range of movement that is called Bong Sau by doing so we redirect Force that was coming into my Centre away in a less threatening direction, the reverse of Bong Sau to Taan Sau does a similar thing, just a different redirection. One reoccurring confusion is that the Ball is made up by both Arms, this is incorrect, each Arm is in fact an individual Ball on an axis that runs from the Shoulder to the partner, if this was not the case the Bong Sau to Taarn Sau transition would require us to move inside our own Ball.
  3. Triangulation; if we extend our Arms out in front of us and place our Palms together we create a Triangle with our conecting C/L as the axis, this Triangle allows our Body weight to be transmitted evenly down both Arms into our partner {or down a single Arm with our C / L becoming the longer side of this Triangle, be aware that because the Triangles are mental constructs there can be multiples of them existing and operating at the same time in the same place} our defensive Ball can be seen to inhabit the space inside the Triangle and the rotation of the Ball creates the Taan Sau ⇒ Bong Sau transition from the walls of the Triangle with the guard being in the middle of the transition. By their nature Triangles prevent force from being applied evenly to their surface and act like a wedge opening up your partners Arms and allowing you to get at their Centre. Once we combine the Ball and the Triangle what we have is a cone shape that can rotate like a Ball but maintain the properties of a Triangle.
  4. Correct movement of the Arm in the Shoulder; when we rotate our Arm from Taan Sau through to Bong Sau we are describing the shape of an Arc that moves around 180º, but our Elbow is only rotating through 45º, this is brought about by the rotation of the Arm in the Shoulder Socket and not by twisting the Elbow or Wrist and is part of the natural way that our Arm operates when movement is initiated from the Shoulder, this rotation allows the Elbow to raise up in a forward spiral towards our partner while maintaining the Wrist on the same level as it was in relation to the Shoulder, if there is a lot of tension in the Shoulder joint this rotation is inhibited and the result is that the Elbow tends to be lifted and twisted, this in turn tends to drop the Wrist below the Shoulder ⇒ Elbow axis, when this happens you are “Rolling Squares” and it is no longer possible to absorb your partners weight / force through the Arm into the Body and strength must be used to stop the Arm structure collapsing. If we again extend our Arms forward and touch our Palms together, if we rotate each Arm separately on an axis from our Shoulder through our Wrist until the backs of our Hands are now touching we have effectively moved from Man Sau to Bong Sau simply by rotating the Arm in the Shoulder socket.
  5. Avoiding Force; Sifu Jim said to me on many occasions “if you could just understand what it really means to avoid force you would not need my help”, obviously I still do not fully understand but I am getting a lot closer, in Chi Sau we are using the rotation of our Arm structure to prevent me from running Head on into my partners force, I can avoid my partners force by redirecting it away from me, away from my C / L but I can also be more proactive and use my rotation to make his force go somewhere else instead of in my direction, and by force we mean the body weight of our partner, when we roll we must be rolling at our partners Centre of Mass and not just at his Arms, we must be attempting to upset his balance and structural stability, to achieve this we need to firstly apply points 1,2,3&4. 
  6. Sticking Hands; by far the biggest misunderstanding is that Chi Sau sticks to and controls our partners Arms, our goal is to open up our partner to find a place to strike, when our partner feels our intention it is they who stick to us, if they fail to stick to us they get hit, we cannot possibly hit someone by sticking to their Wrists, so we need to pay attention and only stick to our partner when they are actually trying to strike us, this of course is the sensitivity that Chi Sau teaches.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Moving Quickly

Moving quickly is attained from moving smoothly, moving smoothly is attained by moving slowly!

In Wing Chun many Students just simply fail to connect the dots when it comes to how we generate our Hand speed in punching or our foot speed in kicking, they just try to move their Hands or Feet as quick as they can.

If you have been doing Wing Chun for more than 25 minutes then you already know that we define "Power" as being the result of "Mass times Velocity", and that the Mass we are referring to is our Body.

In easy terms weight moving in an accelerating way {not necessarily at high speed for instance 100 Kph. high speeds tend to reach their own maximum velocity and as such have no acceleration, just at a steady increase in acceleration for instance steadily moving from 1 Kph through to 6 Kph}, and we do this by connecting a series of separate movements that run simultaneously.

If we take "Stepping Punch", the movement of the Leg pushes the Hip {or Centre of Mass} this in turn moves the Shoulder area at the same speed, we then add the rotation of the Shoulder joint that moves the upper Arm and extends the elbow forward, we then add the rotation of the Elbow Joint that that extends the Wrist forward and then we add the rotation of the Wrist that extends the Fist forward.

Leg pushes {Hip} ShoulderShoulder pushes Elbow, Elbow pushes Wrist, Wrist pushes Fist.

If the Leg is moving at say  4 units of speed, Shoulder at 3 units, Elbow at 2 units, Wrist at 1 unit then the fist at the end is moving with the combined total of 10 units {it would actually be more due to the accelerating velocity but this is not a Maths blog} 2.5 times the speed of our Body movement.    

There is a Hierarchy in place here that must be strictly adhered to, the events in the Chain must flow from the previous to the next, and all events must be operating at the same time, so when the final rotation of the Wrist happens the first push from the Leg is still happening, and so are all the other movements, it should be obvious that for this to happen the speeds of each link in this chain must never surpass the link behind them or the Chain gets broken and simply no longer exists. If you move your Arm quicker than your Body then there is no way that your Body's weight can can flow into that Arm.

Imagine a Relay Race, you cannot pass on the Baton if the next Guy in the Relay is running faster than you!!

At one time or another all of us have pushed a shopping Trolley, our Body becomes the source of Power that moves the Trolley, we are the accelerator, suddenly we come to the ramp that leads to the Car Park and the Trolley begins to get away from us, at this point our body becomes the Brake, this is what happens when you just throw out your Arm, not only do you loose the possibility for your Body weight to increase the power of your strike, your Brake / Body actually causes the strike to decelerate.

So if you wish to improve your contact power, slow down that Arm, slow down that Leg and work on smoothing out the co-ordination of your Body connections, after all that is one of the primary objectives of all of our forms.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Elbow "PUSH" Wrist

My Sifu used to describe the extending Arm movements of Wing Chun to me as “Shoulder Push Elbow, Elbow push Wrist”, and of course I pass it down to my Students in the same manner, but recently it has become very obvious that some Students find this simple statement somewhat confusing, even Students with many, many Years training and teaching behind them.
So lets break it down’
  1. Does the Elbow really “Push” the Wrist?
  2. How does the Elbow push the Wrist?
  3. What does the Elbow use to push the Wrist?
As is often the case in Wing Chun the English translation can be a bit ambiguous if not misleading, so the use of the word “Push” can be problematic, we should not think of Push as in “Push a Car” or “Push a Wheelbarrow” that implies the use of strength but more as in an idea of extension like “Push your Boundaries”, even “Push off out of here”! 

If there is a physical push then it is done with the least amount of Force that can be used. 

It’s Wing Chun after all. 
  1. Does the Elbow really “Push” the Wrist?  The Elbow is a Joint, so it is not really possible for the Elbow to exert Force of its own accord, so the Elbow cannot physically push the wrist, it is a concept.
  2. How does the Elbow push the Wrist?  The concept of the Elbow pushing the wrist is really about alignment, if I align the Elbow in a straight line with the Wrist then any energy passed into and through the Elbow will be transmitted into the Wrist.
  3. What does the Elbow use to push the Wrist? The Elbow is connected to the Wrist by the Ulna Bone, so it could be seen that the  Elbow “Pushes” the Ulna into the Wrist, just as when you shoot an Arrow, the back of the Arrow “Pushes” the front of the Arrow into the Target.
Once we understand that it is more about alignment than power production we begin to see that it is about energy traveling along a Vector, not only does the Elbow “Push” the Wrist but it also follows the Wrist, if it does not it cannot continue “Pushing” through out the entirety of the movement.

When a Student is trying to extend their Tarn Sau against resistance, or even more obviously when they are trying to Punch out from their Sternum against resistance the most common mistake is to try to send the Elbow toward the intended target destination, instead of sending the Elbow in the direction of the Wrist, and using the Shoulder rotation to direct the Whole Arm, as a result the Elbow tries to move forwards on a separate Vector while the Fist is held motionless,  to succeed the Elbow must follow on the same path as the Wrist in order to be continually “Pushing” the Wrist forward.

Most of us drive Cars, and at one time or another would of lost the rear end due to too much speed or just a poor road surface, we understand that to drive a Car correctly the back end {Boot / Elbow} must stay on the same path / vector as the front end {Bonnet / Wrist}. 

We could use this analogy with the Space Shuttle, but then it would make Wing Chun sound like Rocket Science.

Notes from Training.

These are the notes I used for the class on Monday 9 / 10 & Tuesday 10 / 10, they may not make total sense if you were not there to work on the idea's but if you were they will help you remember what we did and hopefully understand it a bit better.

Woo Sau and the Third Rotation.
The three rotations of our Arm structures in Wing Chun can be seen for ease of explanation as ;
  1. The Shoulder rotates the upper Arm.
  2. The Elbow rotates the Fore Arm.
  3. The Wrist rotates the Hand.
The above explanations are not actual, they are just Ball Park descriptions for ease of explanation. We should all know what they are in reality from our analysis of Tarn Sau. If for some reason this does not make sense talk to me.

When posing Woo Sau {the Guarding Hand} we need to take advantage of the fact that the Wrist can actually extend as it rolls inward, rolls outward or even rolls sideways so that it can activate the whole Arm.

Despite the fact that most People view the Wrist as being similar to the Elbow or Knee in the fact that it functions as a Hinge, it is in fact a very complex joint that is made up of 13 bones {15 if we count in the ends of the Radius and Ulna}, multiple muscles and ligaments and is in all probability the most variedly mobile of all the joints in the Body.

As we present the Palm in Woo Sau we should be extending the underpart of the Wrist and not just folding the Hand backwards and compressing the rear of the Wrist, this will bring about the feeling that you are actually pressing something or emitting energy from your Palm.  One way to observe this is to do an exercise were the tip of the Index Finger stays in the same place in Space so that the movement causes the Wrist to move forwards to stop beneath the Finger tips that have not moved, and not that the Fingers move backwards to sit above the Wrist that has not moved. Words are complicated, movement is not.

Woo Sau should illicit the feeling that there is a Ball on our Wrist that the side of the Ball touches the back of the Hand, it should feel circular and not like a Right Angle. If we imagine the Ball to be a powerful source of Energy or Radiation it would emit the Energy / Radiation forwards through the back of the Hand and out of the Palm.

Fook Sau should illicit the feeling that there is a Ball on the inside of our Wrist that the front of the Ball touches the Palm of the Hand. it should also feel circular and not like a Right Angle. If again we imagine that Ball is a powerful source of Energy or Radiation it would emit the Energy / Radiation forwards through the Palm and out of the back of the Hand.

This is the beginning of Nim Lik.
 {Thought Force. The Force of Intention. Pick a Word that makes sense to you}.

In Dan Chi Sau as we change from Fook Sau to Woo Sau in response to the attempted Palm Strike the action should be formed by bringing the base of the Hand forward and rotating the Shoulder and not by tilting the fingers backwards and dropping the Arm. The incoming Strike tends to raise our Fook Sau  and compress our Angle, as we become aware of this we extend the base of our Palm forwards into Woo Sau {a bye product of this will be that we regain our Angle} and not use Force by extending the Elbow, something very strange occurs now, the feeling is that our our Hand is rotating upwards and forwards in relation to our forearm but at the same time the Hand is rotating forwards {and of course sideways as I regain the Centre} and downwards in relation to the my partner / opponents body.  This of course is the essence of how we intercept and redirect everything, and that is why Dan Chi Sau is so important and also so misunderstood.

Because Dan Chi Sau appears to be a Cycle where student “A” does this and then student “B” replies with this Ego tends to overcome intelligence and the whole idea behind Dan Chi Sau is lost.  Just like all of our Forms the apparent pattern to is simply to aid memory, there is no reason why Students cannot just work the Fook Sau / Woo Sau transition in isolation without needing to take it to the next phase of the exercise, and in fact it is only when this very thing happens that progress becomes possible.

As I tried to point out in Class, all Chi Sau movements are in essence the one move, It is a much more powerful learning aid when Students are asked to discover why all the moves in the Dan Chi Sau Cycle are exactly the same.  
Perhaps they are not, even that will teach you something.
But of course I would not suggest it if it was not the case.
Both the replying Punch and the passive Bong Sau are products of the 3rd Rotation.
Hearing it is one thing, seeing it is a totally different Fish.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

More on "What are you Training"?

I am sure you aew well aware by now that a pet theme of mine is

 “Do you know what you are training, and why you are training it”? 

  In 17 years helping with peoples Wing Chun training it has become very obvious that few people do. 

Most people completely miss the point.

I watch Students hitting Bags and Pads as hard as they can and then not even making contact in normal training, I watch people posing Bong Sau or Tarn Sau and still getting hit. I see Students with absolutely no Structure in their Arms and when questioned they say they are working on “Softness” and not using force.

Q. What are you training?

A. Wing Chun Kung Fu, a Martial Art.
Q. When we Strike someone what are we trying to do?

A. Hit them, Duh.

Q. When I intercept an opponents Attack what am I trying to do?

A. Prevent him from hitting me!!

This is what we are training, to hit and to not be hit, everything else is just how we do it, and there is always more than one way, that is why we have so many ways to do it.

So when you are training any Strike you need to be really aware of the intended objective, which is usually to drop your Body weight through the contact into the opponents Body/Face/Leg. 

If you have been doing Wing Chun for more than 6 months then you should be well aware that we aim to hit the same Target multiple times in rapid succession, the reason for this is that trauma is cumulative,  it builds up, when someone tries to hit something really hard what they are trying to do is get more weight to land on the Target at the first chance, so let us say that a really hard Punch is 40Kg. Punching really hard is almost impossible to do simultaneously with your defensive posture, it is always just coming from one side, it usually requires Strength, Strength creates Tension, and Tension prevents us from dropping our Body weight through our Frame, it also requires a huge commitment and is unsuited to a follow up Strike, but lets pretend it lands, bang 40KG {that is of course if our opponent has not stopped it because they are also often telegraphed}, on the other hand a fast 10Kg strike can be done simultaneously with our defence, and can be easily followed up with 7 or 8 more strikes, so I can in fact deliver twice the payload for a fraction of the effort and with a far greater success rate.

When you are training your defensive postures, lets use Bong Sau as an example, the objective is to avoid being hit and not to make a good Bong Sau, and remember that Bong Sau is a movement not a shape, so the rotation up from Tarn Sau to Forward Guard {Man Sau the Asking Hand, and very important and often overlooked position} is Bong Sau, and the rotation down from the shape many refer to as Bong Sau down to Forward Guard is also Bong Sau. Any Strike is a Force Vector from my opponent to myself, my objective is to change this Force Vector so that the Strike misses, Bong Sau will change the Vector by rolling it out and away from the Target in the Tarn Sau upward rotation and inward and away from the Target if I use the downward rotation.

I am sure we have all heard of “Mind Power” or “Nim Lik” in Wing Chun, my Sifu used to call it “The Power of Intent”. We must be aware of what we intend to do, we must be aware of our objective in both attack and defence. In many ways Wing Chun is just a Tool we use to achieve our intention.

Focusing on the Mechanics will help you understand better how to use these Tools but without the intention of achieving the objective it becomes just an academic study and is no longer a Martial Art.

I hope this post raises some questions in your Mind, write them down and bring them into training.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Do you know what you are training?

I have a couple of weeks off work so I am really trying to get my self Healthy, no Booze, walking everyday and watching my food intake, I fasted all day yesterday and I intend to go without food until tomorrow morning {I do this on at least one Day most weekends if I am not working, it increases the bodies production of H.G.H.} with just Water, some of it flavoured with Coffee Beans. It is a lovely Day out there so I extended my Walk to 6km, with it being Sunday there was of course plenty of "Joggers" to keep me company, thump, thump, pant pant, wheeze, wheeze they go as they limp past me, most looking in some kind of Pain.

This made me think of something I have spoken of before, and it crosses borders so it is relevant to our Wing Chun Training,

1.  Do People really know why they are training the way they train?

2.  Do they know what they hope to achieve by doing these things?

3.  Do they think that what they are doing is actually achieving their objective?

4.  Is there a better way to get the same result?

5.  Are they just following someones Bullshit?

I know a few "Joggers" so I have asked them before "Why do you do it, why do you Jog"? The usual stock answer is for some sort of Health reason, to which I point out that "Jogging" damages your Ankles, ruins your Knees and creates life long Back Problems so I cannot see how it is any way related to the pursuit of Health.

Then there are the ones that say it is for "Fitness", "Cardio" or "Weight Control", well sure you will get a little bit of these from "Jogging" but not very much, if we take my 6km Walk, more Kilojoules are burned by walking it than by running it, it simply takes more energy to move something that is still than it does to keep something moving, I am sure that at some time or another we have all pushed a stalled Car, it gets easier as momentum kicks in, so does running over walking, running is more about using strength than energy.  As for Cardio if you rode a bike for the 6km you would take your heart beat count higher and keep it there longer so get a much better Cardio workout, so "Jogging" really does not help them achieve their objective and neither is it the best way to reach these Goals. But if you try to tell them they become all Tribal and their little Ego's refuse to contemplate any other options.

Interestingly enough I know a couple of Runners, who Run as a Sport, Cross Country, Half Marathons and such, a large part of their training does not include Running, they do Pilates and Swim for suppleness, they do weight training for Strength, they ride Bikes for Cardio and Endurance, all of these regimes are aimed at helping them become better Runners, because they Run for Fun.

When I ask "Joggers" what got them started, who's advice are they following, most do not even know, they mumble something about "Sixty Minutes", "The Internet" or some skinny chick I  know Jogs so it must be good. Some follow the advice of Guru's in Magazines, no one appears to be working with any sort of qualified Trainer / Instructor.

All training needs to follow the same approach, Football, Swimming, Wing Chun, Playing Guitar, training is a method even if the content is varied.  Training is a "Means to an End" and not an End in itself.  Understand what it is that this training will show you, then understand the training, and then understand how to use it.

As an Instructor I benefit greatly by watching Students do things incorrectly, I then try to make sure that I am not making the same mistakes, usually I am, usually we all are, but some peoples Ego's make it impossible for them to see themselves as they see others, especially "Junior Others", so it helps to look at things we do not do, like "Jogging", and ask ourselves the same questions that I have asked the "Joggers".

1.  Why do you do the Form / Chi Sau / whatever  the way you do?

2.  Do you know what you hope to achieve by doing these things this way?

3.  Do you think that what you are doing is actually achieving your objective?

4.  Is there a better way to get the same result?

5.  Are you just following someone's misunderstanding?

By the way if you answer "Yes" to question 3, which by default answers "No" to question 4, then you are more than likely beyond help.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Advanced Information and Frames of Reference

Some of my guys have just completed the first big step in their training, in many ways the biggest step in their training, they have progressed to Level 1. It is quite reasonable to think that seeings as there are 6 training Levels in Wing Chun that Level 1 represents one sixth of the Journey, 16.66% , but in reality it represents something more like 80%.

Firstly I need to digress before I continue, many Years ago, when I was still in high School, we were studying the arrival of Corte´s and the Spanish into the Americas, one thing that always stuck in my Head  {apart from the fact that the Aztecs cooked Fish with Chocolate} was that my History Teacher told us that the Science of the Day {1967} believed that because the Aztecs had no previous knowledge of any kind at all of the type of Ships the Spanish arrived in they could not process the information when the Giant Ships appeared on the horizon, so their Brains just did not see them, so the Spanish appeared to just walk out of the Water like Gods, add to this the fact that they held Sticks that flashed and then people died and the Aztecs where well and truly Brain Fuged. They had no "Frame of Reference" with which to build a Mental Image, and without this Mental image there is no reality.  These Days this is often referred to as an "Out of Context Problem".

Back to Wing Chun, one of the reasons many Students struggle with the early stages {pre Level 1} of training is because to a certain extent everything we do is an "Out of Context Problem", it is all new and ever so strange, especially Single Chi Sau. Is it any wonder that it is slow and heavy going.

Now that you have arrived if you think back over what you have been taught up to Level 1 it is not hard to see that it covers just about everything you would ever need in any given situation, so Level 1 is really about filling the "Tool Box", Level 2 is all about learning to understand the uses and applications of all of the tools in the Box, the big difference between the training in pre Level 1 and the training towards Level 2 is that now you have a complete and effective "Frame Of Reference" to help you "SEE" what you are trying to achieve, there is very little new information, you have all learned enough now it is time for understanding, in many ways the upper Levels represent no "New Knowledge" just deeper understanding of all the things you experienced in pre Level 1.

A great deal of what you have been through has been about establishing future "Frames of Reference", even in the very early Days of training you were being introduce to actions and concepts that you may not re visit and cover again until Level 3 or beyond, with the sole intention being that when the new information is presented to you it will not be so strange that you will struggle, you will have a "Frame of Reference" to hang your training on { and so you will see the Ships when they arrive, and not think that Gods have stepped from the Water}.  The attainment of Level 1means that you posses knowledge that not even you yourself are aware of at this point in time, by the time you all attain Level 2 you will be much, much better at what you do but will not really understand why.  By the time you attain Level 3 you will begin to understand and by Level 4 you will wonder why you could not see it in the first place.

If you think that training towards Level 2 is just another forced march forward, more techniques, more Chi Sau, in short more of the same then you will never bridge that Gap that you have just created, the physical work is almost over, stop pushing yourself, the whole idea of not using force applies even to how we approach our training.

It is time....

Turn off your Body.....

Engage your Brain....

Avoid Force....

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Principals of Wing Chun

Most Wing Chun People when asked about our style drag out the really tired cliche´ that Wing Chun is a "Concept" based Martial Art, while this is true it is also misleading, it allows Students to be sloppy as long as they are following the "Concept".

 But what are these "Concepts"?

And where can they be referenced from?

Most Students look at me as if I have started speaking Swahili when I ask them "Then where can we find these Concepts to show our Students"?

Even the idea that Wing Chun is based on a set of "Concepts" appears to be a "Concept" itself, so what do we have to base our training and our Future on?

At its Genesis Wing Chun was heavily connected to the Secret Societies committed to the overthrow of the Manchurian oppressors, as such little if anything was written down, add to this the fact that few Chinese could read or write it is no surprise that the information regarding Wing Chun's workings were passed down orally from Master to Student,  to try to avoid the natural entropy of "Chinese Whispers" they where formatted into sayings or songs, the Keun Kuit,  training hints that of themselves give away little but with the help of a good Instructor can contain all the information needed.  But it should be obvious that different people will quite naturally translate the same thing in a slightly different way, so from the outset these Songs where never meant to be a definitive guide.

A quick search of Wing Chun Principles on Google and you become aware that just about every School has its own idea of what the Principals are, some have 5, some have 7 some even have 13, indeed the Concept of there being a Concept is just a Concept itself.

In my Sifu's School we had 5 "Core Concepts", Directness, Simplicity, Practicality, Economy of Movement and Non use of Brute Force, through these my Sifu would explain the workings of Wing Chun, often when he was expanding on something he would say something like "Conventional Wing Chun Wisdom" offers us this suggestion, in time I realised that he was referring to the Keun Kuit but he seldom mentioned it by name, the things he mentioned the most where having a Body that holds no tension and the avoidance of force, both incoming and outgoing.

Of course we have our Forms, and for each School there is only one way to do the Forms, and for all Schools they must be done correctly, because our forms are the blueprint for how we move our body, both in shape and effort, after many Years of playing your forms it is hard to decide if the forms comply with the Principles or if the Principles are derived from how we do the Forms.

If the Principles do come from the Forms, then the Principles are real and actual, and not "Conceptual".

Wing Chun is a Circle that eventually returns to where it began, we ask a question, we receive an answer but the answer just creates more questions, more answers, and everything begins and ends in Stillness, or at least the idea of Stillness.

The Dictionary definition of a "Concept" is...

 "An  abstract idea, a plan of intention",

 I very much doubt that there is any coincidence in the fact that Siu Nim Tao translates to the way of the small idea.

Or to the fact that my Sifu used to refer to Nim Lik as the "Force of Intent".

Once my Sifu told me the "Secret" to understanding Wing Chun, he told me to turn up to his classes and pay attention.

Now there is a Concept.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

M.A. Self Defence & Fighting.

This is a further conversation on something that I touched on earlier, most People think that Martial Arts, Self Defence and Fighting are the same thing, or at least a different way of talking about the same thing. This way of thinking can have a very negative effect on your training and turn it into a muddy Grey soup of mixed Ideas and Emotions that really has little value and no practicable use.

The vast majority of People take up a Martial Art as Fear Management, they fear that somewhere at sometime they may get attacked so they hope to develop some Fighting Skills to aid them on that dreadful Day, should it ever come. Some like to pretend that it is in fact Danger Management, but if you do truly believe that you are in danger then you need something "right here, right now" and no M.A. can offer this. Buy a Dog, preferably a very Big Dog, keep it with you at all times and do not feed it enough.

Others come understanding the Dilemma of time to train versus a need for action and just hope to learn a few good tricks to help them "Fight" their way out of trouble, these Guys tend to do 6 months at every different M.A. School in their area and end up falling foul of Hicks Law.

We would do well to know what we are looking for in our training, because this can change from Year to Year, even from Week to Week, mostly it is a matter of intention. What do I intend to use this training for?

A Martial Art, is as it says on the Box an "Art", in this respect the Goal is to reach a level of competence that is high enough to be able to perform all moves or sequences in as close a state to perfect as is Humanly Possible, it is this never ending Quest for perfection that keeps many People involved in the Martial Arts for their whole lives, because when one actively sets out to achieve Mastery there is no end to the Journey except when the Journey itself comes to and end. The overriding objective of Mastery of any Art is to "Achieve Perfection". Personal growth is often associated with the achievement of set Goals, and the much valued attribute of being strong willed and having self control and dependability is gained through Years of dedicated training with no acceptance of second best.

Self Defence is quite simply preventing someone from hurting you and departing the scene to a quieter and safer environment, on many levels this can be done without any formal training in any style of M.A.  Example, a Bad Guy wants to hurt you and steal your Money, you push him to the Floor and "Run away", Job done.  Real Life is never as easy as this, but there is really no need for a strategy that is any more complicated, if you are training for Self Defence then you should focus on actions that would stun your attacker and enable you to knock him to the Ground and then "Run away".  In Self Defence the overriding objective is "Escape".

Fighting is an activity that can only be acted out with the co-operation of both sides, it could be a contest, or it could be as extreme as a War, but fighting is 2 or more sides using force against each other to achieve the same result, if it is a Contest then both are fighting for the win, the Belt or whatever is at stake, if it is a War then the sides are fighting for control of a Country or at least part of a Country, the overriding objective is "Dominance". If you are in a Fight then it is partly your choice to be there, you could of ran away and escaped if your Ego was not involved and seeking to dominate your attacker.

While it may somehow be possible to achieve "Perfection" in "Escaping" from your Opponent and "Perfection" in "Dominating" your Opponent it seems pretty clear that the three different objectives have nothing in common, so it is unlikely that you will progress in any significant way without Tailoring your training to a Specific End.

 Martial Art, "Achieve Perfection"
To Achieve Perfection in your given Art then you will want to Focus most of your time toward whatever forms you practice, and try to make all your techniques follow your Forms to the point of being Anally Retentive, rest the temptation to move on to the next form before you have an excellent understanding of the previous form. And of course if it is possible assist in teaching your Juniors, we all have Ego's, and it is often the wish to not be "wrong" or "look stupid" that  drives us to be sure we are correct.

Self Defence, "Escape"
When escaping the present situation is uppermost in your Mind you will be surprised how quickly this opportunity will present itself, just about every Basic Technique will allow you to effect your attackers Balance and slip away, but this is very rarely addressed in Classes, all that is done is to hit, reload and hit again, next technique and so on. Everything you need is there if you look for it and work with it, practice taking the "Blind Side" and getting behind your Partner after a Strike, ask for instruction on how to break your opponents Structure and put him on the Ground {and once he is on the Ground Run away, do not start to stomp him} and make your Escape. Self Defence is about getting Home in one piece. Develop an "Exit Strategy" in your Mind at training and hopefully your Ego will not get embarrassed carrying it out.

Fighting, "Dominance"
Political correctness aside you may find yourself in a situation where you do wish to Dominate another Person or Persons for some reason, sometimes the only way to prevent someone from dominating you is to turn the Tables, often the only chance of Escape from more than 1 attacker is to completely dominate and overpower another person to change the odds in your favour. The most important thing to work on in training is Speed, not just hitting fast but thinking and moving fast, practical, operational speed. Stepping Drills and co-ordination Drills will help you develop good movement, fast movement. Keeping your list of techniques to a minimum will help you think quicker and make quicker decisions, another case of  Hicks Law. Understand the weak points of the Human Body, and learn how to easily access them with the techniques you know. Develop a Strategy, do not expect your techniques to appear out of nowhere and save the Day, use your imagination to visualise a couple of different "Confrontation Scenarios" and see your self get out of them, then really work those techniques until they are like Breathing, natural and normal. Mentally condition yourself to be unmerciful if the situation demands it, most Martial Artists are good People that under normal circumstances would not hurt a fellow Human Being, this is "Hard Wired" into you and may work against you if you do not develop a strong "Fighting Mentality".

Every Martial Art has the ingredients to cover Perfection, Escape and Dominance. It is up to you how you use these ingredients, how you adapt them and flavour them, going to training is just like going to Woolworth's and buying a selection of foods, if you just go Home and throw it all in the same Pot you will get a very strange and unsatisfying Soup, the more you understand your ingredients the more varied and interesting will be the dishes.  Just as there is more than one way to cook a Leg of Lamb, there will be more than one way to use your Basic Techniques, basic movements, your Instructor is like a Master Chef, ask him to give you some new {other} ways of using "Old {Basic} Idea's", and if he cannot then look for another Instructor to get advice from.

Martial Arts were developed to ready the Troops for War, as such they needed to be able to pass on the information effectively in a relatively short time span, you cannot afford to train for 20 Years if the War has already broken out!!  If you have been in training for over 100 Hours and still do not feel that you could get yourself out of trouble then there is something very, very wrong with your Style, your Instructor or Yourself, many people do not do any training or study outside of their Dojo, Kwoon or whatever you call your training Hall, and then wonder why they are not progressing, a great deal of what I have spoken of in this article can be done anywhere at any time, things like developing a "Fighting Mentality, Visualising Conflict Scenarios and Exit Strategies" can only be done away from training, and then you bring them in to try them out, if your Instructor does not understand this then perhaps he is not the best person to be training with.  If you as a Student cannot find the time in your Day to practice the Forms of your Martial Art then you should seriously think about giving it up, the forms of every  Martial Art are the foundation that everything else is built upon, you cannot build anything solid on weak Foundations.

When you go to training you have the right to ask your Instructor to cover any topic that worries you, but as an Instructor I find that Students never do, it would help me if more Students came to me and said something on the lines of "Can we cover a Scenario that deals with getting into trouble on a Train against 3 guys"?  This would benefit everybody in the Group.

If your Instructor is unwilling or unable to do this,  find a new Instructor.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Believing what we are told!

Just about every Martial Art Student thinks that their teacher actually knows what he is talking about, so does just about every Martial Art Instructor, who believe that their teacher knew, and so on. But what happens if the mistake was made so long ago that it is now considered correct?
In Wing Chun we are told that it was invented by a Bhuddist Nun that watched a Crane and a Snake {or rodent depending on your School} fighting and passed down to a Bean Curd Sellers Daughter, said Daughter used it to beat up on a local Warlord to save her Honour. My own Sifu assured me that this was true, his Sifu had told him and the Great Sifu Ip Man had told him so it must be true. But we all know that this has to be a Fairy Tale, there is no evidence that either Woman existed, and any way it is unlikely that a Chinese Warlord in the 17th Century would just walk away after a beating, especially from a Woman.

So the tale is False, the modern understanding is that the tale was told to junior Members of the "Red Junk" insurgent group that used Wing Chun so as to protect the Heads of the Group if the juniors where captured and tortured. It makes sense, the reasoning is solid but it does not become the Truth.

As a Student I was shown things by my Sifu that had no real application, the techniques where shown to be able to explore how our Structure coped with Force, and how it could be used to redirect force, but the technique itself was nothing but a made up example of how it might be used, basically a Fairy Tale. As in any Group lesson some Students do not hear what is said prior to the exercise and think that they are learning a technique, they then teach this to other people as a genuine technique that they learned from there Sifu, and a Lie is accidentally born.

The first few Years in Wing Chun training are all about developing Structure that works to absorb Force, it is relatively static and completely defensive, and yet we are taught this as a way to be able to fight, if you understand that this is of very little use in a real Violent Encounter unless you make certain adjustments to meet the situation then it is a valid way to train {once you know what to adjust of course}, but if you just take for granted that it will work straight out of the Box, "Face to Face" and "Straight Down the Middle" the you will be in for a shock.

It is easy to identify a technique that has development value rather than combat value if you observe, question and verify. We all know that Wing Chun adopts simultaneous Attack and Defence, so if your technique does not allow for this to happen it is more than likely developmental, an example that springs to Mind is defence against a Roundhouse Punch, we teach that your Dai Sau should be moving into an intercepting position as your Punch is attacking your opponents Head.  But then another technique we show that you can turn a heavy Roundhouse away by turning your Dai Sau to Bong Sau and Pivoting.

Think about this for a moment, how is it even possible?

The collective Wisdom is that your Chi Sau Skills will have developed your sensitivity to such an extent that you can identify that this incoming Roundhouse Punch may overwhelm you so you redirect it.

 How, or even why, do I redirect an attack just as my own attack is about to land? Or am I meant to redirect one of my Arms but not the other?

Just because we have been told that this is done does not mean that it is really done, our Instructor could be quoting someone that was wrong, so we need to involve our Brain in every aspect of our teaching, my own Sifu told me some things that I pointed out to him would never happen in a real conflict, on a few other occasions he made suggestions that where totally ridiculous, no matter how good your teacher is he is only a Man like your self and can take things that he has been taught for granted without question, because to some cultures to question your Teacher is unthinkable.

Many early Students of Wing Chun believe that we attack straight down the Middle.  This is wrong.

Many Students think that we stand Face to Face with out attacker. This is wrong.

Many think that the Centre Line is a line from me to my Attacker. This is wrong.

All of the above come from a complete misunderstanding of how to engage in Wing Chun.

Many people will argue against this, but you need to ask yourself are you attacking the way I think or just blindly defending the way you think.

 If we did not need to move why do we have Chum Kiu.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Self Defence is not Fighting!

When I am teaching my Students it becomes very clear that many do not see that there is a huge difference between Self Defence and Fighting, most think that the two are the same. Self Defence should be a method used to get out of a violent Situation as quickly as possible and as such should always, always include and escape strategy, usually the "Nike Defence". Fighting is a lot more complicated and is usually more about Ego and Dominance than escape. Fighting is a contest between two or more individuals that by definition needs to have a result, Win or Loose. Self Defence needs an outcome, Survival. This becomes very obvious when Students start adding flourishes and extra little tweaks to a Scenario than they where instructed, they start using Techniques that they think have more "Visibility and Social Credibility" than direct shots that just do the Job and go largely unnoticed.  If someone Lunges at me with a Punch, and I have the chance to side step him, push him to the floor and then make of in Great Haste {the Nike Defence}, then this should be the choice, and not choosing to try to off load all my favourite techniques, and join in Battle. Self Defence is about survival, not about becoming Jackie Chan. And fights are very Dynamic and have a will of their own than cannot be controlled, the longer you are involved in a fight the more chance there is that you will come second.

Become a Hunter, look for a way to not alert the Prey, look for a way to finish the event before the other guy knows that it has started and then depart.  And not a Fighter that will hang around trying for a result instead of leaving.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wing Chun Kung Fu and Fitness

One of the main Idea's in Wing Chun is to not use "Brute Force" and to not have any Muscular Tension, so bearing this in Mind where does Fitness and Exercise fit in? As Human beings we operate at a much higher level if we are in good condition, if all the "Bits" work correctly, but most exercise regimes that use Strength improvement actually create continuos Muscular Tension so on Paper they may be detrimental to our advancement in Wing Chun. There is nothing inherently negative with any form of exercise or even weight training in respect of Wing Chun, where the problem does arise is where individuals partake of these regimes for reasons of changing their Body, changing their natural Strength / Fitness, and sadly this is the Western Idea of using Weights or of working out in general.

 Get Bigger! Get Faster!

And it is this that will wreck your Wing Chun, if you use your training regime in "Maintenance" mode it can only benefit everything you do in Life, but how many People are really interested in keeping things the way they are? When I run classes and I bring some stretching exercises in just about everyone tries to stretch their muscles to just under breaking, it goes with the old adage "No Pain - No Gain" and this was only ever an advertising gimmick not genuine fitness advice, we know much more these Days and so we should think "Some Pain - No Brain", if your exercises leave you feeling like you have been "Beaten Up" then you more than likely have been.

For most Martial Arts what we really need is to improve our Mobility and our Balance, and not to try to build Lumps.