Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wing Chun Kung Fu and Fitness

One of the main Idea's in Wing Chun is to not use "Brute Force" and to not have any Muscular Tension, so bearing this in Mind where does Fitness and Exercise fit in? As Human beings we operate at a much higher level if we are in good condition, if all the "Bits" work correctly, but most exercise regimes that use Strength improvement actually create continuos Muscular Tension so on Paper they may be detrimental to our advancement in Wing Chun. There is nothing inherently negative with any form of exercise or even weight training in respect of Wing Chun, where the problem does arise is where individuals partake of these regimes for reasons of changing their Body, changing their natural Strength / Fitness, and sadly this is the Western Idea of using Weights or of working out in general.

 Get Bigger! Get Faster!

And it is this that will wreck your Wing Chun, if you use your training regime in "Maintenance" mode it can only benefit everything you do in Life, but how many People are really interested in keeping things the way they are? When I run classes and I bring some stretching exercises in just about everyone tries to stretch their muscles to just under breaking, it goes with the old adage "No Pain - No Gain" and this was only ever an advertising gimmick not genuine fitness advice, we know much more these Days and so we should think "Some Pain - No Brain", if your exercises leave you feeling like you have been "Beaten Up" then you more than likely have been.

For most Martial Arts what we really need is to improve our Mobility and our Balance, and not to try to build Lumps.

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